If you are new to pickleball, the “kitchen” area must be something that grabbed your attention. So, what is it, and when can you be in the kitchen in pickleball?
Most pickleball players know that the kitchen is an important part of the game. But how do you know when you can be in the kitchen? And what should you do when you're there?
A player can only enter the kitchen after observing the two-bounce rule. Besides that, they can be in the kitchen as long as they don’t play the volley. If the player has even one foot in the kitchen and hits the ball before letting it bounce, it will count as a fault.
Pickleball is a relatively new sport, so players are still getting familiar with the game. Although it resembles tennis and ping pong and has a similar court to badminton, the rules are unique, encouraging more players to look into it and explore the rules.
As pickleball enthusiasts, we have played the sport for many years and know all about the rules and other aspects. This guide will tell you all you need to know about the kitchen.
What Is the Kitchen in Pickleball?
Before understanding the kitchen rules, it is vital to develop a comprehensive understanding of the kitchen.
The kitchen in pickleball is the non-volley zone that extends seven feet from the net on both sides. The non-volley zone is sometimes called the "no volleying zone" or the "kitchen." The non-volley zone exists to keep the game fair and provide a safety buffer for players who are not comfortable volleying.
The non-volley rule means that players cannot hit the ball while they are inside the non-volley zone. If a player hits the ball inside the non-volley zone, it is a fault, and the other team will receive the point. When serving, players must stay outside of the non-volley zone until after hitting the ball. If a player steps into the non-volley zone before hitting the ball, it is a fault, and the other team will receive the point. The kitchen in pickleball is an important part of the game and helps to keep everyone safe and fair.
What Is the Volley in Pickleball?
Volley in pickleball is a shot where the ball is hit before it bounces on the ground. Volleys can be used to keep the rally active or put pressure on your opponent by forcing them to defend the shot. Volleys can be hit from anywhere on the court but are most commonly hit from the non-volley zone (the area behind the net).
How to Hit a Volley?
Hitting a volley in pickleball can seem like a daunting task, but it's actually quite simple once you know the basics.
To hit a volley, simply approach the ball from outside of the non-volley zone and hit it before it bounces. It's essential to keep your shots low, as pickleball nets are only 34 inches high at the center. Volleys can be hit with any part of the paddle, but using the sweet spot (the middle of the paddle face) will give you the best control. When hitting a volley, always keep your paddle parallel to the ground. This will help you generate more power and keep your shots consistent.
When Can You Be in the Kitchen in Pickleball?
The kitchen is considered a non-volley zone, meaning players cannot hit volleys when they are inside this area. There are two main reasons for this rule. First, volleys in the kitchen can be very dangerous because they are often hit close to other players. Second, volleys in the kitchen are often difficult to defend because they come at you from unexpected angles.
So when can you be in the kitchen? Generally speaking, you can only enter the kitchen after the ball has bounced. This means that you cannot volley the ball into the kitchen (unless your opponent hits it into the kitchen first). Once you are in the kitchen, you can stay there as long as you want.
There are a few other important things to consider about the kitchen. First, if the ball hits the net and then bounces into the kitchen, it is regarded as a legal shot. Second, players cannot reach over the net into the kitchen. If they do, they will be called for a fault. Finally, players cannot obstruct their opponents from entering or leaving the kitchen. Doing so will also result in a fault.
The two-bounce rule is another crucial rule to remember when figuring out the kitchen in pickleball. Players can only enter the kitchen after observing the two-bounce rule.
Below, we talk about what the two-bounce rule entails.
Two-Bounce Rule
As with any sport, there are specific rules that govern gameplay. In pickleball, one of the key rules is the two-bounce rule. This rule dictates that when the ball is served, it must bounce twice, once on each side of the court, before the players can move up and cross the baseline. If the player receiving the serve hits the ball before bouncing twice, they will lose the point.
The two-bounce rule helps the game stay fair and gives each player an equal chance to start the game on the same foot. If the players enter the service or the kitchen area before observing the two-bounce rule, it is counted as a fault and will lose the rally.
The two-bounce rule is just one of the many rules that make pickleball a unique and challenging sport. Pickleball is a great option if you're looking for a new game to try. Just be sure to brush up on the rules before you start playing!
The Best Way to Use the Kitchen
So now you know the basics of the kitchen rule in pickleball. With a little practice, you will be dancing in and out of the kitchen in no time!

Michael Stevens
Since initially playing at the collegiate level, I have amassed several decades of experience playing racquetball, tennis, and pickleball. I have played thousands of matches and games, and won medals and awards in multiple tourantments. I am constantly improving my game and enjoy mentoring and coaching other players in strategy and technique. I have authored dozens of articles on the sport.
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