Do you know the difference between racquetball and squash? If not, don't worry. Many people are unsure of the differences between these two sports.
If you're like most people, you probably don't know the difference between racquetball and squash. They both involve hitting a ball with a racket, but that's about where the similarities end.
There are several notable differences between racquetball and squash. For one, racquetball is played with a softer ball, making it easier to control. Additionally, the court in racquetball is larger than a squash court. Finally, squash is considered more challenging due to the faster pace of play.
If you are looking for a new sport to try out, you may be wondering if racquetball or squash is the better choice. While both sports are similar in some ways, there are also some key differences that you need to be aware of before making your decision. In this article, we will discuss the basics of both sports and help you decide which one is right for you.
We spent countless hours on the court to bring you this definitive guide to racquetball vs squash. We also took feedback from some of the top players in each sport to get their insights.
The Origins
Racquetball and squash are two of the most popular racket sports globally. Both games are fast-paced and require quick reflexes, making them ideal for athletes looking for a challenging workout. But where did these two sports come from?
Racquetball is believed to have originated in the early 1900s when a game called "paddle rackets" became popular among tennis players in the United States. Looking for a way to stay in shape during the winter months, these tennis players took up paddle rackets and played indoors on a smaller court. Over time, the game evolved and developed its own set of rules. In 1949, Joseph Sobek was credited with inventing the modern game of racquetball after he trademarked the term "racquetball." Sobek also founded the International Racquetball Association, which is responsible for promoting and regulating the sport.
Squash is similarly believed to have originated in England in the early 1800s. At first, it was played on an outdoor court with only a small number of players. However, as the game grew in popularity, it began to be played indoors on a larger court. In 1865, Major Henry Power introduced squash to Canada after witnessing a game being played while on a trip to England. In 1884, the first squash court in the United States was built at St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire.
The Court
A major difference between squash and racquetball is the size of the court. A standard squash court is only about one-third the size of a racquetball court. A typical racquetball court is 20x4x20 feet, while a squash court is only 21x32x15 feet wide. This difference in size means that squash players have less space to cover and can make more rapid changes in direction. In addition, the walls in a squash court are also much closer to the playing surface, which further increases the speed of the game. As a result, squash is often considered to be a faster-paced and more intense game than racquetball.
The Racquets
While both squash and racquetball are racket sports played with a similarly shaped racket, there are some important differences between the two. For one, squash rackets are larger than racquetball rackets, measuring around 27 inches long compared to the latter's smaller size of around 22 inches. In addition, squash rackets have a narrower head and are strung tighter than racquetball rackets. This gives them a smaller sweet spot, making it more difficult to hit the ball with power. As a result, squash players need to be more accurate with their shots and have better control over their rackets.
The Balls
Another key difference between these two sports is the type of ball used. Racquetball uses a much larger ball that is soft and designed to bounce well on indoor surfaces. This makes it easier to keep the ball in play and also allows for more aggressive shots. Squash, on the other hand, uses a small hard ball that does not bounce as well on indoor courts. This makes the game more challenging, as players must be more precise in their shots. However, it also makes for a faster-paced game, as the ball moves quickly off of walls and the racket faces
In the game of squash, points are scored only by the player who serves the ball. A player can score a point on each serve, and the game is played to 11 points. If both players score 10 points, then the player who wins the next point wins the game. In racquetball, on the other hand, points can be scored by either player. Each time the ball is hit, a point is awarded to the player who hit it. The first player to reach 15 points wins the game. As you can see, the scoring system in squash is quite different from racquetball. While both games are fast-paced and require quick reflexes, squash is a more strategic game that rewards patience and precision. So if you're looking for a challenging racket sport, be sure to give squash a try.
While both squash and racquetball are popular racket sports, squash is played by millions more people worldwide. The game is fast-paced and requires quick reflexes, making it an excellent workout. It is also relatively easy to learn, which may contribute to its popularity. According to estimates, there are 20 million squash players compared to just 8 million racquetball players. In recent years, squash has begun to gain popularity in the United States as well, with many colleges and universities now offering varsity squash teams. In addition, squash courts are typically smaller than racquetball courts, resulting in faster-paced games. For all these reasons, it's no surprise that squash is the more popular racket sport.

Michael Stevens
Since initially playing at the collegiate level, I have amassed several decades of experience playing racquetball, tennis, and pickleball. I have played thousands of matches and games, and won medals and awards in multiple tourantments. I am constantly improving my game and enjoy mentoring and coaching other players in strategy and technique. I have authored dozens of articles on the sport.
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