Many people take pickleball as an opportunity for socializing, exercising, and even as a hobby. But is pickleball a good game? Or is it just a favorite pastime?
Pickleball is quickly becoming one of the most popular sports In the US and around the globe. Everyone from kids to seniors enjoys playing the game. This means that it must be pretty enjoyable.
Pickleball is a great game as it is easy to learn and provides multiple health benefits. It is good for burning calories and improving blood circulation. It also keeps your joints and muscles flexible. The game is also good for mental health, reduces stress, and improves coordination.
Pickleball has to be one of the easiest sports to learn. Once you get to know the rules, you will take around fifteen minutes to get the hang of the game. You can then spend as much time as you like throughout your life to perfect your game.
Pickleball experts believe that the game is more about strategy than physical activity. This means that a senior playing with an athletic youngster can still win if they know when to smash and when to dink the ball. Physical fitness might give you a slight advantage in all sports, but it is the strategic mind you have to beware of in pickleball. The game is excellent for the mental and physical health of people of all ages. It improves cognitive ability and helps with concentration and physical and mental coordination.
Why Is Pickleball A Good Game?
With over 4.8 million Americans playing the game at least once every year, pickleball is probably the fastest-growing game in the US. Over the past few years, it has evolved from an amateur hobby to a professional sport. This means that there are specialized coaches, professional players, and courts designated for pickleball.
The game combines features from tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. It allows the participants to move around and remain active on their feet. Pickleball enthusiasts believe there are numerous reasons why pickleball has become an increasingly popular sport.
It is Easy to Learn
Unlike tennis, or even ping pong, which requires extensive practice, pickleball is relatively easy to learn and play. We find people of all ages, all sizes, and different kinds of athletic abilities playing pickleball and doing pretty well at it.
The short, solid paddle ensures it does not put too much pressure on your joints. The court is also relatively small, which means you can play for longer before you begin to feel exhausted.
The ball is soft, light, and specially designed with holes to make sure it does not go too fast. This helps newbies and seniors with slower reflexes judge it better and play without difficulty. Even if you strike the ball hard, it cannot cause injury to any other person. It can take some time to get adjusted to the bounce, but you can be well on your way with some practice.
The rules are simple and easy to understand. One misconception is that pickleball is a game of agility, and young people automatically have an undue advantage. Contrary to popular belief, pickleball is more a game of strategy than it is of agility. Any player with a tactical mind is a threat.
It is Good For Physical Health
Physical activity is essential for our well-being. Moderate aerobic activity helps increase blood circulation, lowers the risk of catching diseases, and promotes better health.
Pickleball gives you the opportunity to be physically active without putting too much strain on your body. Adults need around 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week to gain benefits. Pickleball games and practice sessions twice a week should be able to get you to the recommended duration of physical activity while you are enjoying yourself. The game helps you improve your balance and keeps you agile as you continue to use your joints and muscles.
It is important to remember that pickleball can cause some strains in senior players, such as when bending down to pick up the ball or attempting to catch a volley near the ground.
Like with all other sports, it is essential to follow the correct guidelines and take the necessary precautions to avoid getting injured. Remember to warm up before you begin playing, and do not play when the court is wet.
It Helps Burn Calories
A person who weighs 200 pounds and walks for half an hour at a moderate pace will burn about 160 calories. A person who is 140 pounds will burn 112 calories for the same effort.
When playing pickleball, the participants, on average, burn around 229 calories, and they barely notice the time go by because they are having so much fun. Not only do you burn at least 68 more calories while playing pickleball, but you also do not have to leave the court and can stay around your friends in the process.
It is Good For Mental Health
Pickleball requires focus. You have to watch the ball traveling on both sides of the net and judge where and when it will land. Once you focus on the ball, your legs, arms, and body will move more automatically.
Your brain performs a sequence of moves for every shot you play. First, it has to keep attention on the ball, then it has to trigger your legs to get into the correct position, and finally, it has to make sure that the arm swings in the correct manner to strike the ball with the paddle.
Numerous studies show the benefits of physical exercise on mental health. It helps reduce stress, improves blood flow to the brain, which allows us to think better, and results in better sleep, and improved energy.
Research shows that any physical activity that requires strategy and planning helps increase the gray matter in our brains. As discussed above, pickleball is a game of strategy that forces players to make decisions about when to play a volley, when to dink, and when to smash the ball. Increased gray matter means your ability to evaluate consequences and rewards is increased.
Even just watching a game of pickleball can be relaxing and is much better than getting overloaded with information by scrolling through social media.
It has Social Benefits
Pickleball is a highly social sport. You will get a chance to meet new people and make friends. By adapting pickleball as a hobby, there is no way that you can get around chatting with other people. Social interaction is a basic need for humans.
Missing out on social interaction can lead to negative thinking, anxiety, and depression.
When we meet new people, we get a chance to vent out our feelings and listen to what other people have going on in their lives. This practice allows us to detach ourselves from constant thinking and catch up on some of the positive aspects of life.
It Has a Catchy Name
Just the name pickleball is enough to draw the attention of those who have never heard of the game. It often makes many curious about what this game is and what it has to do with pickles. The next thing you hear about is the kitchen, which provokes the thought that the game has something to do with the kitchen. But when they hear of a court, they are probably already hooked on it (we assume they are thinking of a barbecue).
There are several theories about where the game got its unique name, but we think it has something to do with boating. During rowing competitions, the boat with a mismatched team is often left behind other boats; it is called a pickle boat. Since the game is easygoing and comprises paddles, it reminded the person naming the game of the pickle boat in rowing competitions, and they named it pickleball.

Nancy Stevens
It is a privilege to have been able to play pickleball multiple times a week for the last several years. I’ve played thousands of pickleball matches, and taken just about every lesson that is available. I love mentoring others wherever they are in their pickleball journey.
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