Pickleball is a pretty straightforward game but some of its rules can be a bit confusing. Many beginners ask whether you can hit the ball twice in pickleball.
As a lover of pickleball, you may already have understood the basic rules of pickleball. However, the game also has a few lesser-known rules that can bite you in the butt if you don’t know them. One such rule is the double-hit rule.
Double hits or hitting the ball twice is permitted in pickleball if it is done unintentionally and is a single continuous stroke in a single direction. On top of that, it needs to be done by the same player so your teammate cannot strike the ball. Double hits are also allowed when serving.
Since there are so many beginner pickleball players who are unaware of this rule, I have decided to write down an explanation of what a double hit is, when it is permitted, how you can avoid a double hit, and how to stay within the rules of pickleball.
As a sports fan who has decades of experience playing pickleball as well as tennis, table tennis, badminton, and all sorts of racket sports, I understand the intricacies of pickleball rules, which are crucial for you to know if you want to play in tournaments. I will also be using the IFP Official Rulebook which is the official rulebook for pickleball.
What is a Double-Hit and How Does It Occur?
Many pickleball players often do not know the rules regarding a double-hit, which is defined as an action that causes the ball to be struck twice by one or more than one player. The IFP Official Rulebook has special rules that apply to double hits and we will look at them and find out what the consequences are for failing to follow them.
The most probable cause for a double hit is that the player did not have a good and firm grip on the paddle. It could also be that the force of the ball hitting the paddle caused instability, which caused the paddle to move and the ball to strike it again or stay on it for a short moment.
A double hit can be caused by several scenarios in pickleball:
- A player may be attempting to hit a groundstroke but unintentionally strikes it twice with the paddle.
- They may have tried to serve the ball and accidentally caused it to bounce on the paddle twice.
- A double hit may also happen when the ball hits the player’s hand and then strikes the paddle, as part of a single stroke.
- A double hit may occur when the ball strikes one part of the paddle and in the same swing, strokes another part of the paddle
- It may also occur if the ball is deflected off of the paddle and the player strikes it again or lets their partner hit it.
- It may occur when the ball is about to fall short of the net after a player serves or returns it and the second player quickly jumps in to hit the ball over the net.
As you can see, it is very possible for double hits to occur in several situations. However, in only a few instances above will the move be legitimate. In others, it is a fault and will be subject to a penalty.
What are the Rules Regarding Double Hits in Pickleball?
In most other sports, including tennis and golf, if you hit the ball twice, you will be subjected to a penalty, regardless of whether it was intentional or not. However, pickleball is a more forgiving game and permits a double hit as a legitimate move, but only if it meets certain criteria.
According to the official rulebook, there are four specific criteria that a pickleball player needs to follow.
- The double-hit must be unintentional: The most important rule is that the double-hit has to be an honest mistake. It cannot be a calculated strategy of a player in an attempt to hit the ball twice and gain an advantage against his opponent.
- The double-hit must be part of a continuous motion: The second rule is that the double-hit must occur as part of a single motion. The two contacts between the ball and the paddle must occur in the same strike and will be deemed a fault if they happen as a result of two different strikes.
- The double-hit must be part of a stroke made in a single direction: This means that the double-hit may not result in the ball going in one direction on the first hit and in another direction on the single hit. It has to move in the same direction and the same angle.
- The double-hit must be performed by the same player: Both the first and second hits need to be made by the same player. The move will be considered automatically illegal if it is made by multiple players.
When is a Double-Hit Considered Illegal
If a double-hit does not meet any of the stipulated criteria above, i.e., it was done intentionally, was not in one continuous motion, caused the ball to change direction on the second player, or was performed by both the team, then it will result in a fault
As a good sportsman, you should never try to gain an unfair advantage over your opponent by faking a double-hit. If you do, however, deliberately make a double hit and there is no referee to see it, you should admit your fault.
Not all double hits are impermissible; however, something even as small as the ball changing direction can result in a fault.
A similar occurrence to the double hit is the carry, which involves one of the players carrying the ball. This means that the ball did not bounce off the paddle but was instead carried along the surface of the paddle.
For example, a player receives the ball from the opponent, lets it land on the paddle, changes its direction covertly, and then lobs it back. This movement is not at all permitted. The ball has to bounce off the paddle and should not rest on the paddle for any amount of time.
However, there may also be some instances when the player did not deliberately carry the ball on the paddle. In this case, it will be up to the referee to make the call whether the move was legal or not. In the absence of an official referee, the players will determine whether the hit was accidental or done intentionally.
What is the Penalty for an Illegal Double-hit?
If you or your opponent believes that the double-hit was intentional, then it will be considered a fault and a penalty will be due.
If you are part of a serving team, then you would lose the serve and the other side would win the right to serve. However, if you are part of the receiving team, then the serving team will be awarded the rally and point due to your fault.
What Happens if You Miss a Shot in Pickleball?
If you swing and miss the ball, it is not something that you need to beat yourself over with since it will not result in a dead ball. In addition, if it has not bounced a second time on your side of the court, then you can very well make another attempt at a shot.
You will be only found at fault if the ball bounces twice on your side of the court before you strike it.
If you miss the ball entirely, your partner can always jump in and play the shot instead. This will allow you to retain your right to serve and ensure the other team does not get a point for you missing the ball.
Here, though, we are only talking about if you swing but missed the ball completely. However, if the ball nicks your paddle even the slightest bit and then falls to your side of the court or is picked up by your partner, this will result in a fault being called.
In addition, if your paddle nicks the ball but you still went on to hit the ball again, this will be considered an intentional double-hit and a fault will be called.
How to Avoid Double Hits in Pickleball?
The most effective and easiest way to make sure you do not make an accidental double-hit is to make sure you warm up properly before the game and be fully prepared to grip your paddle right and strike the ball in the correct way.
If you walk out onto the court without doing any stretching exercises or warm ups, your joints and muscles may remain slightly stiff and you will not be able to put as much speed and power behind each shot. If you are less nimble, you will suffer from slow reflexes, and this will increase your chances of making mistakes, like double hits, during the game.
With a proper warm-up regimen, you will feel more agile and confident when going out on court.
Another reason you are more inclined to commit mistakes on a pickleball court is when you are tired and have not had enough sleep. If you are feeling lethargic and are not well-rested, you will doubt your shots and will keep faltering when trying to hit the ball.
Playing with an injury is also a big no-no on the court. If your wrist, elbow, shoulder, ankles, knees, or back are not in top form, then you will not be able to deliver the right amount of power behind each shot. Plus, your technique will also be sloppy and you will not be able to perform your best.
If you are injured, it is important that you stay off the court and allow yourself to heal so as not to risk exacerbating your injury and performing poorly on the court.
One very important thing that a few people underestimate is playing with a poor-quality paddle. These paddles are not very stable and do not allow you to catch the ball in the sweet spot. In addition, they can also increase the risk of wrist injuries.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that you invest in a high-quality paddle before stepping on a pickleball court to reduce your chances of shoddy playing.
Playing Pickleball With the Rules
To avoid any confusion when it comes to playing ball, you need to invest some effort into learning the rules as thoroughly as possible.
Like all sports, pickleball has its own special set of rules. Fortunately, they are quite easy to understand. By fully understanding the rules, you will not become overly reliant on a referee to help you out.
The double hit is just one special rule that offers an exception to the players in pickleball, allowing you to enjoy the game to its maximum, whether you play casually or as a pro.

Michael Stevens
Since initially playing at the collegiate level, I have amassed several decades of experience playing racquetball, tennis, and pickleball. I have played thousands of matches and games, and won medals and awards in multiple tourantments. I am constantly improving my game and enjoy mentoring and coaching other players in strategy and technique. I have authored dozens of articles on the sport.
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